
Showing posts from October, 2017

Jrspesh's Return/Finally got a Switch!

I have finally returned. It's been a while. Over a year I believe. I have been away for too long.  I have been trying and failing to get my life together and chase and catch my dreams. But enough of the sad stuff. Let's get back to what we all love to talk about GAMES! So, Early in the year I went to the Nintendo Switch Premiere Event at Earl's Court. Eagerly waiting to play the Nintendo Switch for the first time.  ARMS was very popular. The line to wait to play was never-ending. I destroyed a few people on Ultra Street Fighter 2.  The Switch in all it's glory.  I got to play FAST RMX. Very good showcase of the Switch's abilities.  So more ARMS.  The line for Zelda: Breath of the Wild was so long. I never got to play it. It was a very busy morning.  As you can see from my terrible photography. It was busy but fun. After I left the event. I felt so excited for the Switch and couldn't wait to buy one. But, when it did