DC's direction (Part 2)

This is a continuation of the last post. I didn't think I would actually have to make another post. But, if I included this in the last post it would have been too long.

So, let's get down to brass tacks. 

I was just thinking after I heard the Batman/Superman film announcement that it was going to be them teaming up as the World's Finest (As they do in the comics). But, it turns out that it will actually be a versus movie. Meaning that they will be facing each other.

I liked the idea, then it dawned on me. If this is the Man of Steel Superman, wouldn't he just instantly win against Batman? Even though there are many cases of Batman going toe to toe with Superman in the comics. By not having Kryptonite in the Man of Steel film, how would Batman stand a chance? Also, Superman practically destroyed buildings with one punch in the Man of Steel film, unless Batman's bones are made of Diamond, Adamantium and Vibranium I'm pretty sure he would be pulverized with one punch. 

But, like I said in the previous post, we will have to see what happens. I'm sure they will work something out that turns out to be absolutely amazing. 

That was just a little thought I had about the upcoming film. Do you have anything to add? DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT!!!


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