Silly Sony

Silly Sony, they do some shocking things. You know how this goes.

  1. This constant fixation on graphics - I find this so infuriating. I like substance over style. To me, Sony and their fans just seem to look to aesthetics and then talk about gameplay. Just watch any Sony conference to see what I'm talking about. The PS4 unveiling conference. It was just full of tech demos and cutscenes. Then they tried to say all of the games will look that during gameplay, then at E3. They just didn't. But what annoys me the most is the fan response to this stuff. They always blow things out of proportion.  There are so many games I have played on PS3 that people said were aesthetically amazing, only to find the game was boring and wasn't actually that good in my opinion. Once such game was Heavenly Sword, everyone said it looked amazing, which it did. But. The game was so boring!! I just think people should stop saying games are good because they appear to be good. Actually play the game then make a judgement.
  2. Making a big deal about Vita and then ignoring it - It's funny, when Vita was announced everyone said it was going to finally take Nintendo's crown as King of Handhelds. No. Just no. The main reason is due partly to the 1st point I made and also Sony's own lack vigor for the product. They don't seem to make many games for it. The only game I can think of seeing on it is Assassin's Creed. Yeah, it has great graphics and probably has some great games too. I just think Sony should actually show and concentrate on the system a bit more. Then they might be worthy to look at Nintendo's shadow. They will never be good enough to stand in it when it comes to handhelds.
  3. That stupid Dualshock - I'm just going to say it outright. I don't like the Dualshock controller. It's uncomfortable to hold, the analogue sticks are so uncomfortable. It isn't particularly great for any type of game. Not to mention the D-pad is terrible. I am looking forward to trying out the new Dualshock 4. It looks more comfortable than the previous controllers. Only time will tell.
  4. Copying Nintendo (Don't even try to say that they don't) - Nobody can say this isn't true. In fact, Sony is still doing it! When Sony unveiled PS3 for the first time, they didn't mention motion controls. Once Nintendo showed the Wii and people were impressed, the next time Sony showed the PS3, it had motion controls, it failed in the SixAxis controller, then Sony tried again with Move and that failed too. In more recent times, Sony has tried to copy the Wii U's ability to play games off-screen. But Sony is trying to use the Vita as their means of making this happen with the PS4. That could have worked, if anyone actually had a PS Vita. 
  5. Power = innovation - It doesn't always. But Sony doesn't know that. The only real difference between their consoles is that they get more powerful, which is expected. I just think that like the graphics, Sony think more power is enough. They leave the innovation and creativity to Nintendo and then copy it if it looks promising. I'm not saying that Sony doesn't make their consoles innovative because they do. The PS4 can do things that the Wii U wishes it could. I just think Sony should concentrate on those things more, instead of thinking just better graphics and more power determine what next-gen is.
I'm just stating my own opinions. You don't have to agree, in fact I encourage you to comment and voice your own opinion. 


  1. 1. Yeah Graphics arn't a big thing game wise, but to be honest when thinking about reasons to buy a console, people who dont understand will wonder why you cant have the experience on the previous console, and graphics some how stop that!
    2. Yeah I think they are only doing that to focus on PS4 then when the PS4 comes out they'll have a more even focus, but there are good games, my favorite being Gravity Rush, and I'm just gonna say, my favorite game this generation is Gravity Rush!
    3. I really like the DS3 its comfortable to me, the D-pad isn't the greatest but its ok, I still love the DS3! I'm worried that the DS4 will feel more like an Xbox controller, since the Xbox 360 controller is way to big and cumbersome for me!
    4. arcade shooters use motion controlling before the wii, and for home computing I guess you could say the powerglove, but the PS2 had motion controlling before nintendo, an they didn't copy the wii-u nintendo copyed the portable gaming compatible with consoles from the dreamcast (having the VMU play games when not plugged in then the ability to play games on the gamecube on the GBA, then Sony did it on PSP with PS3, and then Vita, then the wii-u came out a few months later!
    5. Sony pushes powerful technology in there console, but I don't think they arn't innovative, I'm not sure if you mean software or hardware wise and what your focusing on but I mean, playstation made kinect sports before playstation 3 became a thing so seems like Microsoft copys a lot more! X3

  2. You make some good points. I can't really argue with them. I think I might have to re-write the post based on this new information you have given me. :)


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