
Showing posts from November, 2013

Early problems with the PS4

It's having a few teething problems. I'm sure you're all aware by now of the Four, yes only four know reports (so far) of issues with the PS4. Most of them are reporting problems with the console not connecting to the TV or not working or functioning in anyway. Funnily enough, I'm not surprised. These things always happen in the launch period. Not so much with Nintendo in my experience but Microsoft and Sony seem to have these teething problems with the launch of all of their consoles.  The most important thing now, is that Sony fix this problem fast. Before it begins to occur more. You can check this link out to read more on this issue. So, after this news are you reconsidering getting the PS4 at launch? Will you get one at a later date? Have you been discouraged from getting one all together? Let me know!!!

This is a surprise

My brother sent me this link this morning concerning Sony and the PS4. I don't really know what to think of it. Apparently Sony has said that customers will still be able to resell games as originally intended. As IGN reported. Which you can read here. What do you think? Let me know!

I almost forgot to mention

The cursed game that got me kicked out.  I wrote a blog post about my 1st impressions of the Xbox One and my experience, which you can read here. But I didn't give you the full story. I wasn't sure if I should have mentioned it in that post, so I left it out. But I think it's time I told you what happened. In a nutshell, I got kicked out of the event. Now, this wasn't because I began complaining about the games or started fighting anybody. It was actually the console itself that got me kicked out. So, I was playing Forza. Whilst it was loading, I looked down at the controller and I was thinking of taking a picture of it. But as I looked up, the screen was black, the Xbox One was off. I started panicking, I was wondering if it was something I pressed. But I know that I didn't press anything, I was looking at the controller! As the panic continued to settle in, a Microsoft representative rushed over to me looking very angry and surprised. I proclaimed my i

Gaming Perfection

Do you consider yourself to be a gaming perfectionist? Do you always have to get 100%? I know I am. I just think that it's nice to be able to say that you got 100% in something. It pays testament to how dedicated and how good you are as a gamer, that's not to say people that don't complete games 100% aren't good gamers, I just think that gaining perfection in a game is a very worthy achievement. What do you think? Are you a perfectionist when it comes to your gaming achievements? As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

My Xbox One experience

Free merchandise. So as I said in the last post, I got the chance to play the Xbox One before release and I must say that I was surprised. In more ways than one. I would like to just say that I have nothing against Microsoft and I have no preferences toward any of the consoles. Also, my photography is terrible, so I apologise for my images. I would like to just mention my initial thoughts of the console as a whole: The Controller is very easy to use and is very comfortable The Console really is THAT big. It's really chunky. The Kinect is also big, but it does actually work. However, you still look like a fool while using it. The loading times for every game were pathetically slow. Even for demos. It's supposed to be next gen and Forza 5 took 2 minutes to load the race. An absolute shambles.  I warn you now, if you are a fan of Microsoft and Xbox and I went to this event with an open mind. So I'm going to be very frank and honest in my opinions. I apologize in

A strange turn of events

I feel pretty ecstatic right now! So, I saw IGN had posted on Facebook, a chance to play Xbox One before its released. Being me. I entered. Not expecting to win. So I was astonished and amazed when I received an email from Xbox/Microsoft saying that I had actually won! I wasn't planning on buying an Xbox One so I'm looking forward to playing it to see if Microsoft can indeed sway me back to Xbox . Monday can't come soon enough. I'm actually really excited and can't wait to play it! Of course I'll report back all of my findings and my thoughts. Stay tuned! (The pictures are screenshots from my phone. Sorry.)

On the way out

The one and only version of the 360 I ever bought. After five years. My Xbox 360 (the only one I've ever bought because it's never broken) is on it's way out. It's not broken or anything, it's just going to be retired from active service. Next month I will get the PS4 and I already have a Wii U. So I don't really see much need in my 360 anymore because the Wii U and PS4 can perform all the functions that my 360 currently performs. However, I intend on keeping the console and adding it to my collection of previous generations of consoles. I feel a little bit sad that I've spent so much time and money on it and I've had so many joyous hours in return. But as with all good things, they must come to an end. What are your plans for the upcoming next gen? Are you going to be trade, trash or keep your old console? I'd love to hear your opinion, hit me up in the comments!