I almost forgot to mention

The cursed game that got me kicked out. 
I wrote a blog post about my 1st impressions of the Xbox One and my experience, which you can read here. But I didn't give you the full story. I wasn't sure if I should have mentioned it in that post, so I left it out. But I think it's time I told you what happened.

In a nutshell, I got kicked out of the event. Now, this wasn't because I began complaining about the games or started fighting anybody. It was actually the console itself that got me kicked out.

So, I was playing Forza. Whilst it was loading, I looked down at the controller and I was thinking of taking a picture of it. But as I looked up, the screen was black, the Xbox One was off. I started panicking, I was wondering if it was something I pressed. But I know that I didn't press anything, I was looking at the controller! As the panic continued to settle in, a Microsoft representative rushed over to me looking very angry and surprised. I proclaimed my innocence but my pleas fell on deaf ears as she turned the Xbox One on again. The only upside to this ordeal is that I got to see the start-up screen and the home menu for the Xbox One.

After this rather embarrassing moment I was extra careful not to press anything other than the face buttons or the shoulder buttons and triggers. However, without me pressing anything while Forza was loading, the same issue happened to me again not once, but twice. After the third time. I was told by a rather large and terrifying man to leave. I obliged so as not to make a scene. It was a rather sad and disappointing way to end my Xbox One experience.

So, there you have it. The full story on my Xbox One experience.


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