
Showing posts from February, 2014

I think I'm doing it wrong

I tried squinting like him ... it didn't work. I can't see it! It just looks the same to me! What's all the fuss about?! At this point you are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, wonder no more! I am talking about fps or Frames Per Second and also 720/1080p. Recently there has been a lot of talk about these two things in relation to gaming, especially with the next generation fast approaching on the horizon. The reason I feel a bit lost in the subject is because I can't see it. Some people make a big deal out of it and begin to complain about certain games not running at native 1080p and 60fps (whatever that means). Me on the other hand, when I start playing a game on my Wii U or 360 I don't think about fps or HD. I think about having fun. It's the same argument I always make . What difference does fps and HD make if the game sucks? That's right, none. The game would still suck. I think some people just want to take the fun out of

The problem with free-to-play games.

When I think of free things I think of the best things namely, food. But now, the games industry has ruined the idea of free things. They have created this evil scheme to lure gamers into thinking that they are getting a great deal when in fact, gamers are being deceived. There are many games that take this deceptive approach. As Iwata of Nintendo said recently said, it's not free-to-play, it's free-to-start. This is something that I have found when I downloaded the free games on my PS4. You can read more about my PS4 experience  here. One of the worst culprits I have encountered so far has to be Blacklight: Retribution. I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I have to start by saying, I actually like this game and I understand that the PS4 version is in a BETA stage. I don't really play FPS games anymore. I used to play CoD, but I got tired of its repetitive nature. That being said, I downloaded Blacklight for two reasons: 1. It was free. 2. My PS4 game

My 1st day/night with my PS4

The day has finally arrived. I now have a PS4 in my possession. I think I got a great deal. As you can see in the picture. I got the PS4, Man of Steel  and Despicable Me 2 on Blu-Ray, Assassin's Creed 4 and One Year membership to PS+. All for £425. I'm not going to bother with explaining the unboxing or anything. Rather, I'm just going to say. The PS4 is a great console. It is very easy to use and has a very attractive design. I chose it over the Xbox One not because of a bias or preference towards Sony. I chose it because it was cheaper and it attracted me more than the Xbox One. That being said, when I did play the Xbox One I enjoyed the experience and I think for anyone that buy one or has owns an Xbox One it will entertain them greatly. As you can see in the image, Assassin's Creed 4 was the only physical game I got with the console. It was either Creed 4 or FIFA 14. For me, the choice was obvious. I also downloaded the free games as part of the PS+ promotio