I think I'm doing it wrong

I tried squinting like him...it didn't work.

I can't see it! It just looks the same to me! What's all the fuss about?!
At this point you are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, wonder no more! I am talking about fps or Frames Per Second and also 720/1080p. Recently there has been a lot of talk about these two things in relation to gaming, especially with the next generation fast approaching on the horizon. The reason I feel a bit lost in the subject is because I can't see it. Some people make a big deal out of it and begin to complain about certain games not running at native 1080p and 60fps (whatever that means). Me on the other hand, when I start playing a game on my Wii U or 360 I don't think about fps or HD. I think about having fun. It's the same argument I always make. What difference does fps and HD make if the game sucks? That's right, none. The game would still suck. I think some people just want to take the fun out of gaming, so they start to talk about things like this rather than the merits of the developers or how well the story and gameplay are put together.

Now with PS4 and Xbox One being so similar (admit it, they are pretty similar) this talk about frame rates and native HD is going to become more vocal because the games are going to look so similar on both platforms. I think it's sad that some people are concentrating more on stats and looks over the actual gameplay. It begs the question, what's the point? IGN are already starting this constant comparison with a Xbox One/PS4 Battlefield 4 comparison video that you can watch here.

I just think we should concentrate more on the content rather than numbers. That's not what the purpose of gaming is. It's main purpose is to entertain. I'm not entertained by fps or 1080p, I'm entertained by great story, music, characters and gamplay.

And thus concludes my brief rant of sorts. Where do you stand on this subject? Don't forget to voice your opinion in the comments!


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