My 1st day/night with my PS4

The day has finally arrived. I now have a PS4 in my possession. I think I got a great deal. As you can see in the picture. I got the PS4, Man of Steel  and Despicable Me 2 on Blu-Ray, Assassin's Creed 4 and One Year membership to PS+. All for £425.

I'm not going to bother with explaining the unboxing or anything. Rather, I'm just going to say. The PS4 is a great console. It is very easy to use and has a very attractive design. I chose it over the Xbox One not because of a bias or preference towards Sony. I chose it because it was cheaper and it attracted me more than the Xbox One. That being said, when I did play the Xbox One I enjoyed the experience and I think for anyone that buy one or has owns an Xbox One it will entertain them greatly.

As you can see in the image, Assassin's Creed 4 was the only physical game I got with the console. It was either Creed 4 or FIFA 14. For me, the choice was obvious. I also downloaded the free games as part of the PS+ promotion and the free-to-play games. Warframe, DC Universe Online, Warplane, Contrast, Don't Starve, Outlast, Resogun and Blacklight Retribution. All of which provide many hours of entertainment. So, when people say there's a game draft on the PS4 and it lacks games worth playing at the moment, those people are just wrong. It's as simple as that.

I've already put Assassin's Creed 4 to bed. I felt that the story was a little bit abstract and lacked the engaging and well developed pace of its predecessors, namely Assassin's Creed 2. Which in my opinion is still the best Creed game in the series. I will write a dedicated post about Creed 4 another time.

I find myself currently playing Warframe a great deal, I enjoy the online element. You can play alone, but playing together is encouraged, not in the same way games like CoD (Call of Duty) do. Because the multiplayer element is built around the story, you are collaborating with other players, although the option to face each other is still there. The only real issue I have with the game is the pay-to-play system. But, I will go into greater detail about that, including my hatred for the Blacklight: Retribution system in a separate blog post.

Overall, I have to say I am very pleased with the PS4. I like the controller redesign, I love the console design and I was surprised by how light the system was and pleasantly surprised by how quiet it is. The game library so far is varied and I think it is a strong library that it is only going to become stronger in the future.

Oh, if you wanted to add me and play some games sometime my PSN name is: Otakuhitman


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