This does not look good.

I know I am writing about this a little late. But the story seems to develop on a daily basis. So I don't really feel that late to the party.

What am I talking about I hear you ask? Well, it's all the trouble Sony is having. I was going to mention the new James Bond film in this article. But, I don't think that's necessary. Also, I left the whole story about The Interview. In all honesty. I don't actually care about that side of the Sony hack story. I want to focus on the trouble Spiderman is facing.

Spiderman seems to be in big trouble. 
I was reading about some proposed plans Sony had/has for the Spiderman franchise. You can read the article here. I think that Sony are trying too hard to make a different kind of Spidey film. Instead of just using the source material to the best of their ability. They are using it to make more origin movies and nonsensical spinoffs. When I heard Sony wanted to make a film about Aunt May I laughed for five minutes. That laughter quickly turned to rage. I realised just how desperate Sony were to try and make a cinematic universe of their own built around Spiderman. That isn't a bad idea. But the way they handled Amazing Spiderman 2. Let's just say I am not looking forward to anything they come up with.

That being said, There is and always will be one thing I love about the ASM films. Andrew Garfield. I really think that he has done a great job bringing Peter Parker to life. I don't want to start an argument here. But, I preferred him to Maguire. I was sad to hear that if Marvel did share Spiderman with Sony, they would get rid of him. I think he would have great chemistry with the rest of The Avengers. But I guess it was never meant to be.

Overall. I think that Sony need to stop trying to reinvent Spiderman. Just use the source material as a guide and try not cram too many things into every single film they make. That was the major problem with ASM2. Too much happened and yet, nothing happened most of the time. Sony have a great thing in Spiderman. But, they are letting the fear of disappointing fans lead them to making rash decisions that only come back to hurt them, I just think Sony are worried that if they don't go big and make the Sinister Six and Venom films, people will lose interest. Some people may lose interest. But by making a film that can appeal to large audiences is key. That is a difficult balance to achieve. But it's not impossible. Just need to move forward with the character. No more reboots or origin stories. At least not for a little while.

Moreover, I think this article is also worth a read in consideration of what happened. You can read the article here. It's interesting to see that not everyone was willing to report on Sony's apparent problems and all of the rumours surrounding them during this undoubtedly difficult period for them.

So, that's two blog posts trimmed down into one. Let me know what you think of the whole story in the comments below!


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