Silly Sony, they do some shocking things. You know how this goes. This constant fixation on graphics - I find this so infuriating. I like substance over style. To me, Sony and their fans just seem to look to aesthetics and then talk about gameplay. Just watch any Sony conference to see what I'm talking about. The PS4 unveiling conference. It was just full of tech demos and cutscenes . Then they tried to say all of the games will look that during gameplay, then at E3. They just didn't. But what annoys me the most is the fan response to this stuff. They always blow things out of proportion. There are so many games I have played on PS3 that people said were aesthetically amazing, only to find the game was boring and wasn't actually that good in my opinion. Once such game was Heavenly Sword, everyone said it looked amazing, which it did. But. The game was so boring!! I just think people should stop saying games are good because they appear to be good. Actually play the...
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