Jumping on the bandwagon

I don't really feel like keeping calm.

Be honest, we have all done it at one time or anotherBut it's just so boring to be a follower, a sheep. Why not be yourself?

I've seen people jump on the bandwagon because they don't want to feel left out or because they think that it's the right thing to do. Even if they don't agree, they still jump right on. Here are some examples of this:

  • CoD (Call of Duty) - There was a time when people actually played this game because they liked the FPS genre, then once Modern Warfare came out, that changed. Players began to play it because the online mode allowed them to play with friends.Which is fine. But then, people began to say the series was good and then.....people began to jump on the bandwagon. Soon after, everyone started saying that the series was good and you began to look like an outcast if you didn't have it or didn't like it. Luckily though, this has begun to die out. After the disappointing reveal for CoD: Ghosts. I think people are beginning to see CoD for what it really is. Boring.
  • Hating Nintendo - I know that this doesn't apply to everyone. But really annoys me that some people don't like Nintendo,but don't have an actual reason. It makes no sense. How can you hate or dislike something that you have no experience of and know very little or nothing about. It's like me hating Steam, but Ive never used it and I don't know how it works. I have no reason to dislike it and I have no working knowledge of it. So hating it would make no sense. 
  • Graphics are what makes games - Since the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube generation. There has been a change of focus for a lot of 'gamers'. It seems that they think games are purely aesthetic. They would rather revel in the great looks of a game over a game that is actually enjoyable. Now,  I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with liking graphics. But it's the fact that some people buy games because they look good aesthetically. That is what really annoys me. The worst thing is that now, loads of people are doing this and missing out on great games simply because they choose style over all else.
    • We are all experts - This is a difficult one because now in this internet age, it's easy to obtain information and then relay it. But I'm talking about those people you find in the comment section that think they know everything and will stop at nothing to make sure that you know it (we have all come across someone like this). No matter what the subject, someone always thinks they are an expert on it. More often than not you can tell the real experts apart from the ones that profess to be.  I just think that some people should refrain from trying to show that they know everything. Maybe I'm spending too much time thinking about this. 

    These are a few examples that I could think of, there are bound to be more in the future. Of course, I will add those once I think of them. What about you? Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know in the comments!


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