Assassin's Creed 4 was.....

Assassin's Creed is a franchise that I have been following ever since the first game was released. I own every Creed game. I have really enjoyed the franchise, but I have to say that it is getting a bit fatigued now and it's beginning to show.

Let me just say this before you ask. My favourite Assassin's Creed game is easily Assassin's Creed 2. It was just perfect. The setting was great, the characters were interesting and likeable and it had Leonardo Da Vinci in it. I thought that after the awesomeness of that game, the franchise could only get better. It did not get better. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was a great game, but it didn't quite fill me with the same sense of enjoyment that its predecessor did. This trend continued with Revelations. I think Revelations was the beginning of the true decline. The story felt rushed and never really answered the questions it claimed it would. The only thing that I loved about Revelations was the E3 trailer that introduced me to Woodkid.

Assassin's Creed 3 came along and I was intrigued by it. A new engine, new historical setting. One that I was not familiar with. I was really looking forward to playing it. However, the excitement was short lived. It was replaced by boredom. I just found the setting didn't work for me. I didn't know any of the historical references. The only historical figures I recognised were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Although, I did enjoy the twist that came quite early in the game. I won't reveal it just in case you haven't played the game. Overall, I think that Creed 3 had some great ideas, the story is what let the game down.

Moving onto Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. I actually liked this game quite a lot. Not because of the story. I felt the story was disjointed and a bit random. What I did enjoy was the naval exploration. Such a vast open worlds that was actually full of life. But my favourite thing in the game had to be the Sea Shanties. It made it feel like I was playing Pirates of the Caribbean. That being said, I didn't really feel like an Assassin or part of the Creed in Black Flag. I just felt like a pirate wearing assassin's uniform.

This then leads of course to.....Unity

If you can't see the video try here.

I think this new game should be interesting. The French Revolution should be a different experience to all of the previous historical settings. I am looking forward to seeing whether it can be as good as Black Flag or even.... Assassin's Creed 2.

Well, that's my ramblings about Assassin's Creed concluded. What do you think of the franchise? Love/Hate it? Looking forward to Unity? Let me know in the comments!!


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