Can't we all just get along?

Based on the most recent developments in the gaming world, the rivalry between the different gaming communities has seemed to flare up again. This time however, it seems to be more about insulting people rather than debating. However, there are people that try to remain neutral. But can you really be neutral? These are three behaviors that I have observed online.

Fanboys vs Fanboys -  This doesn't apply to all gaming fans but there are some fans that always take it too far. They should just calm down and love gaming. Ever since Microsoft changed their stance on some of the Xbox One features it created a rather large discussion. It mostly consisted of people being confused about it and then the fanboys came into the discussion. At that point, it stopped being about gaming and just became people hurling insults at each other. I for one, hate this side of the gaming community. It's never about the merits or achievements. It's just about saying the console they like is the best. Most of the time, these fanboys don't even give valid reasons as to why the console they like is best. I really detest that.

There is no such thing as being neutral - Trust me I tried. People can say that they own all three consoles and a PC and they probably do. But the fact of the matter is. There is always one platform you favor more than others. This is something I noticed online. People always try to say that they are neutral, but once the arguments start, you will see them favor and defend one platform over others. I have also noticed that in some situations, people that argue on these forums will say they are neutral so they can avoid a bigger argument that they may not win. I don't really judge them for that because who am I to judge anyone about their gaming platform preference?

Trolls - I really hate these people because they just add fuel to the fire. They never join the conversation to add an opinion that is valid. They simply join to create arguments or make an already existing situation worse. Most of the time they just offensive things to provoke reaction. It really makes me angry.

A few websites you can visit to observe these types of behaviour :

  1. Gameinformer
  2. Eurogamer
  3. YouTube
  4. IGN

I just hate how some of these negative attitudes are becoming more prevalent in the gaming community. Moreover, it's starting to be less about gaming and more about insulting people. My question is: Can't we all just get along? I mean, we may all have our own preferences but can't we just respect someone's choice without feeling the need to make it personal.

What do you think? Don't forget to comment.


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