The reason for my absence

I'm going to be honest. I've been slacking recently, it's been too long since my last post. Part of the reason for my absence is actually what the last post was based on. GTA V. But not because I was playing the game so much that I forgot about the blog (it could happen). I haven't been busy playing the game. I've been waiting for the game since last Sunday! It still hasn't arrived. Amazon has said it will arrive on Monday. So I've avoided my laptop and the internet so the game wouldn't be spoiled for me. So that on Monday I could play it and then throughout the week I plan on writing about it on the blog. Instead of playing the game. I have been preparing myself for my 3rd year at university, which starts in the first week of October. But you don't want to hear or read about that. Anyway, don't forget about me. I'm still here. I will be resuming with the blog as usual.


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