I have a slight problem here...

Me in front of my Laptop.

BLANK, BLANK AND MORE BLANK. I got nothing, nada, nil, zilch....you get the idea. Basically I have reached a brick wall. I just can't be bothered to write anything. I think they call it writer's block. The thing about that is....I don't consider myself to be a writer. So, what's the problem? I think it may lie in the subjects I choose to write about.

I was writing about the Ben Affleck as Batman story. But I can't keep writing about it because it's old news now. Also in relation to film. 2013 has been a monumentally slow year in film compared to last year. So I don't have that many films to talk about.

I also have a problem with games. All of the games I currently own , I have already completed and the games I want to play are all being released from September onward. In the mean time, what can I write about?

In terms of comics, I can't write about comics I don't have yet. I have quite a bit of catching up to do. I will get that done and start writing about it once I have

But what do I write about in the mean time? That is most certainly the question. For now, I will try to write something for you to enjoy. I think I am going to just write stuff. I think I have identified the problem with the subjects I write about. I can't really help that, but I will just keep writing regardless. 


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