Nonsensical Nintendo

Oh Nintendo how I love thee, but thou annoys me!

I have grown up loving Nintendo. I always will love them and the great games that they create. But, there are some things about them they I hate. I'll be using my favorite technique...LISTS!!

  1. The constant need to be behind technologically - I don't care what anyone says, Nintendo ain't poor. So that means that they can afford to use the best technology available to them. So why they constantly insist on having hardware that is weak and out of date the day it comes out is beyond me. Gamecube wasn't in this category because although it wasn't well known, the Gamecube was as powerful as its counterparts. So it makes the fact that Wii and Wii U  are weaker than their counterparts all the more painful for me. I just think Nintendo should have kept making their consoles as powerful as they could and maybe that would have meant selling them at a loss, but the great games and innovation only Nintendo can provide would have countered that.
  2. Not using all of their IP's  - Nintendo has so many great IP's, I'm starting to get a bit worried by the amount of Mario games that have been released in recent times. Don't get me wrong, I love Mario and I know that he is the face of the company, I just think Nintendo are ignoring so many of their other IP's. I think that Nintendo should give the Plumber a little holiday, he's earned it. Instead, Nintendo should do more with dormant IP's. I would love to see another F-Zero game, more Earthbound/Mother would be welcome or a new Star-Fox game would look amazing in HD. Maybe, a new IP. 
  3. Not using their hardware to its full potential...sometimes - This has been the case with both Wii and Wii U. Both are capable of performing multimedia functions but, Nintendo always restrict them. I like that Nintendo want to focus on gaming but, then they contradict themselves because they offer services like Hulu, LoveFilm, Netflix and they even went to the trouble of making Nintendo TVii for Wii U. So making the consoles be able to play DVD's or Blu-Rays really aren't a step too far away from what the consoles already offer. I'm not saying that Nintendo needs to make their consoles do everything, but even Dreamcast could play CD's. Nintendo don't even need to make a big deal out of it. Just add the features so I can shut up.
  4. Region locking - I think this is an issue that Nintendo should consider especially seeing that their counterparts are choosing to make their hardware region-free. I'm not saying Nintendo should just follow the crowd. Iwata said this in a recent interview with IGN. A lot of Nintendo fans have been asking for it since Nintendo DSi wasn't region free and the previous versions were. The main reason I think Nintendo should reverse region locking is because they have some great games that only ever see Japan release. I mean, if they don't want to reverse region locking, at least release those games outside of Japan. I think that Nintendo needs to start thinking of the world as it now is. Connected. People around the world want to play the same games, at the same time and with each other. Just ask Australia. 
  5. Great launch games then.....nothing - Wii, Wii U and 3DS all suffered this. Iwata spoke to IGN about Wii U and its lack of games, you can read about it here. Nintendo has great launch games for their consoles, but it's the period after this that is the problem. There is always an awkward period of nothing. Just absolutely nothing. In the case of the Wii U. I spent the 'nothing' period just using Netflix. What usually happens after this period of time is that Nintendo will announce some new games that will come. Most of these are a lot longer off than they seem (E.G. Super Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2) or some are announced as coming soon then they are delayed (E.G. Pikmin 3). I think that Nintendo should ensure that they have a steady stream of games available to prevent there being a 'nothing' period. I think they should push their 3rd party partners to fill this gap. That way, Nintendo can spread their own releases out and they won't have to be so dependent on their own titles as much to create the momentum. 
Well, these are some of the nonsensical things I think Nintendo could address. Do you have anything you could add? Don't forget to comment!!


  1. I believe being behind in technology is a better move. It has almost always been a trend with consoles: The weaker console does the best. The PS1, the PS2, the Game Boy, the DS, the Wii, the 3DS, and soon enough the Wii U have been very successful in the console wars, all being underpowered. Possibly since the technology is older, more developers can relate to programming games into the system easier than newer consoles. As for DVDs and Blu-Rays... really just get a PS3 for that because Blue-Ray players are DAMN expensive. A PS3 is a more than cheap expense. Other than that, I agree with everything else you said.

  2. You make some dang good points man! It's true, those consoles did do well and they weren't super powerful. I just want Wii U to be successful, I think it will grow it's just going to take time. Like 3DS.


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