The World's Finest...The World's Lamest more like

Meet Bruce Wayne
Welcome back the Son of Krypton

No. Just no. It cannot be! He is not a good choice.  Just when I thought DC/WB were picking up momentum after the Dark Knight Trilogy and the Man of Steel, then they announce this? I'll tell you something right now. This film isn't going to be anywhere near as good as Man of Steel, so it won't be troubling Aveners: Age of Ultron at all. 

I don't think the film will suck because of him being cast in it. I'm just going to find it harder to take the film seriously or as a serious contender against the might of the Marvel cinematic universe. But of course, only time will tell.

Don't get me wrong, I like Ben Aflleck. I just don't think he is superhero material, much less The Caped Crusader. I mean, we only have to look at history to tell us why he isn't the best choice. Yes, I am talking about Daredevil. That absolutely shocking shambles of a film did his reputation no favors. I remember when a rumor was going around that they wanted him to direct the Justice League film. I don't think that will happen now that he is Batman. I guess there is nothing we can do now but complain about it and then accept it. I mean, it may not be that bad. Right? Yeah, I don't believe that either.

If you can't see the video try here.

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