
Showing posts from 2014

Tis Destiny

I said I would upload some gameplay. I am here to deliver.  I give you. Destiny. I don't think I am particularly great at the game. But if you have a PS4 and would like to have a game or two. Add me. my PSN is: Otakuhitman. 

I don't know what to say

In all honesty. I don't know what to say. I keep coming and going. I keep telling you that I plan on returning and I have plans for the blog. The truth is, I do have plans for the blog. It's just that some of my plans did not go the way I wanted them to. I wanted to create a YouTube channel that would go with the blog. I was going to get a mate of mine to help me. But he said he wanted to focus on University. Which is understandable. But instead of letting that stop me. I've decided to go ahead with part of the YouTube plan. I am going to start uploading some of my game play (mostly from PS4) onto the blog. Why am I telling you this? I feel like I owe you all an apology and a reason for my absence. I truly am sorry for constantly disappearing. I vow to change.


This felt appropriate somehow. I truly am sorry. I am sorry for leaving you all for so long. I am so sorry for not updating you of my whereabouts and my activities. The truth is. I was really busy. With my dissertation and graduation. Then learning how to code and trying to find work. I haven't had time to write anything. I apologise for that. To be brutally honest and open with you all. The main reason I have been M.I.A is I didn't actually want to write the blog. I lacked the drive and willpower to continue to write. Even though a lot of interesting things happened at that I could have written about. I just didn't care. That's now changed. I want to write again. I will write again. I plan on being more regular with my posts again. Maybe even try something new with the blog and my YouTube channel. I hope you will stick with me for the rest of this wild journey. It's only gonna get wilder! 

Avengers 2!!

OH MY GDSKFNONFADOADSJFSJPDAJSVNDSJIPCNSDVOADDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AVENGERS 2 TEASER TRAILER! I SO EXCITE! This trailer is making the wait for this film really difficult. If you cannot see the video try  here. Watch it as many time as you need. I'VE WATCHED IT COUNTLESS TIMES! Don't forget to hit me up in the comments!

Big Hero 6

I can't wait to see this film! The fact that Disney are using their skills in animation to bring more Marvel characters to life, especially some characters that may be more obscure to the mainstream just makes me feel so glad. This little teaser excites me so much! I love the tone and overall quality of the presentation and the fact that the creators of Wreck-it Ralph are making this movie fills me with confidence about the direction this movie will take. The only painful part now is, the wait. Anyways, that was my quick thoughts on Big Hero 6. But, what do you think? Let me know in the comments!


FINALLY!!!! Man of Steel 2, Batman vs Superman. Whatever we called it before. The next film to feature DC's finest heroes has an official name and logo.  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. After seeing the first image of Affleck as Batman I was pleasantly surprised and intrigued by the choice to base the costume on The Dark Knight Returns design. Especially, after the things I said in  previous posts about him being cast as Batman. You can read those posts here  and here. Perhaps the film will pay homage to the famous battle scene from the graphic novel? Only time will tell. You can read more about the new name and logo  here . Well, now we know the official name. Does this news excite you? Are you looking forward to the movie? Let me know your thoughtds  in the comments section below!

I have returned.

I have been away for quite a while. I'm sorry about that. However, there was a valid reason. This was my final year of University and I had to write my dissertation. It was very time consuming. So, I didn't have time to write any posts. The dissertation is now complete so I have loads of free time. This is the first post I've done in a while and I thought I would make it a bit special. So, I have uploaded some of my own gameplay from my own PS4, of Infamous Second Son . Before you even begin to panic, there are no spoilers in the video. I used a combination of techniques to get this video onto YouTube. First, I used the Share Factory app on the PS4 to edit the video and then I copied the file from the PS4's capture gallery onto a USB and then I uploaded the file from the USB onto YouTube. So, no need for  Twitch or Ustream account anymore or Facebook video uploading!! Anyway, I'm glad to be back. Any thoughts on Infamous? Let me know in the comments!


My controller doesn't look like that anymore. So, I'm really enjoying my PS4 and my Wii U and I still play my 360 (Mostly for The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us) from time to time. One day I was looking at the cabinet that houses all of my consoles, past and present. I could clearly see my Dreamcast, my Gamecube, my Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64. Then, I realised  I didn't see the PS2. Naturally, I began to panic. Searching high and low and all of the space inbetween , I finally found it standing behind my TV. As soon as I found it, I felt I had to make an attempt at booting it up and playing it. I somehow managed to find all of the hookups (The power cable and Scart lead) and once I had set all of that up, the moment of truth arrived..... I turned the console on and the most disgusting sound came from the PS2. The sound sent shivers down my spine. But, despite this the PS2 booted up! I couldn't believe it! After more than five years of lying dormant, th

Assassin's Creed 4 was.....

Assassin's Creed is a franchise that I have been following ever since the first game was released. I own every Creed game. I have really enjoyed the franchise, but I have to say that it is getting a bit fatigued now and it's beginning to show. Let me just say this before you ask. My favourite Assassin's Creed game is easily Assassin's Creed 2. It was just perfect. The setting was great, the characters were interesting and likeable and it had Leonardo Da Vinci in it. I thought that after the awesomeness of that game, the franchise could only get better. It did not get better. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was a great game, but it didn't quite fill me with the same sense of enjoyment that its predecessor did. This trend continued with Revelations. I think Revelations was the beginning of the true decline. The story felt rushed and never really answered the questions it claimed it would. The only thing that I loved about Revelations was the E3 trailer that in

I think I'm doing it wrong

I tried squinting like him ... it didn't work. I can't see it! It just looks the same to me! What's all the fuss about?! At this point you are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, wonder no more! I am talking about fps or Frames Per Second and also 720/1080p. Recently there has been a lot of talk about these two things in relation to gaming, especially with the next generation fast approaching on the horizon. The reason I feel a bit lost in the subject is because I can't see it. Some people make a big deal out of it and begin to complain about certain games not running at native 1080p and 60fps (whatever that means). Me on the other hand, when I start playing a game on my Wii U or 360 I don't think about fps or HD. I think about having fun. It's the same argument I always make . What difference does fps and HD make if the game sucks? That's right, none. The game would still suck. I think some people just want to take the fun out of

The problem with free-to-play games.

When I think of free things I think of the best things namely, food. But now, the games industry has ruined the idea of free things. They have created this evil scheme to lure gamers into thinking that they are getting a great deal when in fact, gamers are being deceived. There are many games that take this deceptive approach. As Iwata of Nintendo said recently said, it's not free-to-play, it's free-to-start. This is something that I have found when I downloaded the free games on my PS4. You can read more about my PS4 experience  here. One of the worst culprits I have encountered so far has to be Blacklight: Retribution. I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I have to start by saying, I actually like this game and I understand that the PS4 version is in a BETA stage. I don't really play FPS games anymore. I used to play CoD, but I got tired of its repetitive nature. That being said, I downloaded Blacklight for two reasons: 1. It was free. 2. My PS4 game

My 1st day/night with my PS4

The day has finally arrived. I now have a PS4 in my possession. I think I got a great deal. As you can see in the picture. I got the PS4, Man of Steel  and Despicable Me 2 on Blu-Ray, Assassin's Creed 4 and One Year membership to PS+. All for £425. I'm not going to bother with explaining the unboxing or anything. Rather, I'm just going to say. The PS4 is a great console. It is very easy to use and has a very attractive design. I chose it over the Xbox One not because of a bias or preference towards Sony. I chose it because it was cheaper and it attracted me more than the Xbox One. That being said, when I did play the Xbox One I enjoyed the experience and I think for anyone that buy one or has owns an Xbox One it will entertain them greatly. As you can see in the image, Assassin's Creed 4 was the only physical game I got with the console. It was either Creed 4 or FIFA 14. For me, the choice was obvious. I also downloaded the free games as part of the PS+ promotio

2014 is looking very promising (Part 3)

This is the third instalment of this feature. It will be more of the same stuff. Here it cometh . Watchdogs-  I was really intrigued  by this game when it was revealed at E3. Last year when it was delayed so close to its original release date I had to admit I was upset. I hope Ubisoft have been using this extra time to improve the game further and make it something truly unique. Of course, only time will tell. Mirror's Edge 2-  I have to admit when this game first came out, I didn't like it. Then I played it. I loved it. I was hoping that it would get a sequel one day. Then E3 came and put my mind at rest. I can't wait to see what the PS4/X1 and their power create in terms of beautiful gameplay. Dying Light- I think this game is shaping up to be a great looking game. Combining zombies and mirror's edge type gameplay with a focus on survival. I think this is going to be a definite purchase.  Dragon Age 3- I know Dragon Age 2 cou

2014 is looking very promising (Part 2)

This is the second part of the things I am looking forward to this year. SO, without further ado. LET'S BEGIN! Bayonetta 2-   When I heard this was announced for Wii U. My jaw hit the floor. When that was followed up with the news that it was exclusive to Wii U. I couldn't contain my joy. I loved the first game and I can't wait to play this. If you can't see the video click  here. Hyrule Warriors-   When I heard about this game I didn't know what to think. Dynasty Warriors + Zelda =? But, then I watched the teaser and my mind was set at ease. This seems like such a good idea, I can't believe it hasn't been done already. I think this is going to be very interesting. If you can't see the video click  here. The Order 1886-  This game appeals to me on various levels. Firstly, it's set in London (My hometown). It's a third person action/shooter like Mass Effect. One of my favorite games. Also, it has a Steamp

2014 is looking very promising (Part 1)

So, it's 2014. A lot of great things are coming this year. In this post I want to highlight a few things that I will be looking forward to in the new year... The Amazing Spiderman 2   -   I am really looking forward to this. I really loved the first film and I think this new film shows a lot of promise. I was a little bit worried about there being too many villains but, this trailer sort of set my mind at rest. With the news that these films will lead to a Venom and Sinister Six spin-offs. I am even more excited to see what happens with the Amazing Spiderman. If you can't see the video click  here. Captain America: The Winter Solider-     Captain America returns! I loved the way the first film introduced Steve Rogers and I can't wait to see what Cap is upto  after the Battle for New York. If you can't see the video click  here. Guardians of the Galaxy-  This is the film I'm looking forward to the most. It just seems so outlandish